Pool Filtration: Diatomaceous Earth’s Role


Dicalite Management Group recently attended the 2018 International Pool and Spa Expo in Las Vegas, and we’ll see you soon at the 2019 Northeast Pool and Spa show in Atlantic City. At first thought, it might seem unusual that a mineral company would attend such an event, but we have a good reason: diatomaceous’s role in pool filtration.

How Diatomaceous Earth Plays a Part in Pool Filtration

Diatomaceous earth has a very small particle size, a high porosity, and crystalline structure, making it an excellent filter media for many applications from food and beverage products to pool water. When it comes to pool filtration, it is one of the most efficient on the market because it can trap particles down to the micron-level and keep the water healthy and looking crystal-clear.

Dicalite’s Swimming Pool Filter Media

Dicalite’s industry-leading swimming pool filter powder is classified as Flux-Calcined Diatomaceous Earth. Diatomaceous Earth swimming pool powder can remove particles up to 10 times smaller (3-5um) than what a typical sand filter will remove (25-40um). It is used to remove impurities at a very high filtration flow rate, getting rid of algae, amoeba, bacteria, and other foreign matter quickly and thoroughly. Diatomaceous earth will keep your pool water sparkling and, as we like to say, “drinking pure.”

Dicalite Makes Choosing the Right Filter Media Crystal Clear

Whether you buy pool filter media direct or through a distributor, one thing is clear: diatomaceous earth pool filter media is the most efficient and cost-effective filter media on the market. When you buy directly from us, you achieve greater cost savings with bulk truckload pricing. But if you’re a small mom and pop shop and do not have the resources to buy in bulk, lean on Dicalite’s extensive distributor network like United Mineral and Chemical, who attended the expo with us. Call us today at 866-728-3303 to get your free sample.

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