Celebrate National Pollinator Week with Minerals

National Pollinator Week

National Pollinator Week is an annual celebration that aims to raise awareness about the importance of pollinators and their role in ecosystem health. Now celebrated the third week in June, it was first initiated by the U.S. Senate in 2007 and has since gained widespread recognition and participation. The goals of National Pollinator Week are to promote the conservation and protection of pollinators, encourage the planting of native plants that provide food and habitat for pollinators, educate the public about the threats facing pollinators and their ecosystems, and inspire people to take action to support pollinator populations. Read on to learn all about pollinators and how you can support them by using minerals in your garden.

National Pollinator Week: All About Pollinators

Pollinators, such as bees, butterflies, birds, bats, and beetles, play a crucial role in the reproduction of flowering plants. They facilitate the transfer of pollen from the male parts of a flower to the female parts, enabling fertilization and the production of fruits and seeds. This process is essential for the survival of many plants and the maintenance of biodiversity.

Why Are Pollinators Important?

  • Biodiversity: Pollinators are crucial for maintaining biodiversity in ecosystems. They facilitate the reproduction of flowering plants, ensuring the production of fruits, seeds, and new plant generations. This process sustains the genetic diversity and stability of plant communities, which, in turn, supports a wide range of other organisms.
  • Food Production: Pollinators are essential for agricultural systems and food production. Many crops, including fruits, vegetables, nuts, and oilseeds, rely on pollinators for successful pollination and subsequent fruit or seed development. Without pollinators, the yields of these crops would be significantly reduced, impacting both food availability and variety.
  • Ecosystem Services: Pollinators provide valuable ecosystem services beyond food production. They contribute to the pollination of wild plants, which is crucial for maintaining healthy ecosystems. Pollinated plants provide habitat and food sources for other organisms, support soil stability, and enhance overall ecosystem resilience.
  • Wildlife Support: Pollinators play a key role in supporting wildlife populations. Many animals, such as birds, bats, and insects, depend on nectar and pollen as a primary food source. By facilitating pollination, pollinators indirectly contribute to the survival and well-being of these animals, ultimately maintaining ecological balance.

Why Are Pollinators In Jeopardy?

There are several factors contributing to the challenges faced by pollinators, and many of them are manmade. Habitat loss is a significant issue, with the loss and degradation of natural habitats limiting the available spaces for pollinators to thrive. Pesticides and chemicals used in agriculture have harmful effects on pollinators, posing risks to their health and survival. Additionally, the lack of floral diversity in landscapes contributes to the decline of pollinators by reducing the availability of varied and nutritious food sources for them.

Unsurprisingly, climate change is also a big factor, disrupting the synchronization between plants and pollinators, affecting their availability, and reducing resource access. And, invasive species, particularly plants, compete with native species for resources, impacting pollinators’ access to suitable food sources.

How You Can Help Pollinators Thrive

  • Plant Pollinator-Friendly Gardens: Create a garden or a portion of your yard with a variety of native flowering plants that provide nectar and pollen throughout the growing season. Choose a range of colors, shapes, and sizes to attract different pollinators.
  • Avoid Pesticides and Chemicals: Minimize the use of pesticides, herbicides, and insecticides in your garden and opt for organic and pollinator-safe alternatives.
  • Provide Nesting Sites: Create safe habitats for pollinators. Different pollinators have varying nesting requirements, so research specific needs for the pollinators you wish to support.
  • Support Native Plants and Biodiversity: Choose native plant species as they are well-adapted to the local ecosystem and provide better support for native pollinators. Native plants also contribute to the overall biodiversity of your area.
  • Conserve Water Wisely: Conserve water by using efficient irrigation techniques and collecting rainwater. Providing a water source, such as a shallow birdbath or small water feature, can benefit pollinators as well.

How You Can Use Minerals to Support Pollinators

One of the best things you can do to support pollinators is to make your own garden a friendly place for them to thrive. At Dicalite Management Group, we have a multi-mineral offering of perlite, diatomaceous earth, and vermiculite—all of which can help your garden thrive for pollinators.


Perlite is formed by molten (magmatic) rock, also known as volcanic glass. When perlite ore is heated rapidly in industrial furnaces, the volcanic glass softens, causing entrapped water molecules to turn to steam and expand the perlite particles—much like popcorn. These expanded perlite particles are lightweight and insulated glass bubbles that can hold water and air.

  • Retains water inbetween individual grains, in channels leading to the cores of the grains, and on the highly irregular surfaces of each particle.
  • It allows you to feed your plant more by aiding in draining, which provides the opportunity to give your plant more nutrients
  • It’s lightweight, which allows for easy transportation and mixing.
  • It’s stable for indoor and outdoor use.
  • It mixes easily with soil and other amendments.
  • It’s sterile and chemically inert, promoting only the healthiest of root systems.

Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous earth, also known as diatomite and DE, is the naturally occurring fossilized remains of diatoms—single-celled aquatic algae. It is a near-pure sedimentary deposit consisting almost entirely of silicon dioxide. Dicalite’s DE is considered a nonplant food ingredient, measuring in at a well-established .26% soluble silicon, meeting AAPFCO’s labeling guidelines for use. Diatomaceous earth’s many benefits in gardening include:

  • Plant-available Silica (PAS)
  • Increases plant health
  • Does not decompose
  • Reduces abiotic plant stressors
  • Greater yields


Vermiculite is a hydrated magnesium aluminum sheet silicate mineral closely related to mica, and has all of the thermal and chemical resistance mica is known for. When subjected to heat, vermiculite expands and forms particles that are very productive in soil and soilless media mixes. It’s even great for growing hydroponically! Vermiculite’s benefits include:

  • Acts as a magnet for nutrients like potassium, calcium, and magnesium, making it an especially valuable and time-saving addition for passive hydroponics systems.
  • Effectively re-releases nutrients with cation-exchange capacity, releasing vital elements to the plant roots as required.
  • The expanded particles create matrixes in the soil, improving aeration.

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