Celebrate National Diatomaceous Earth Day!

Discover the Benefits and Uses of this Natural Product

mother and daughter gardening

Diatomaceous earth is such a useful mineral it was given its own national holiday! August 31 is National Diatomaceous Earth Day. It’s a time to celebrate diatomaceous earth and all the ways it helps improve our daily lives. Learn about the many benefits and uses of diatomaceous earth and see how you can use some to commemorate the day.

What is Diatomaceous Earth?

DE is created from single-cell microalgae called diatoms. After they die, they leave behind frustules—their opal-colored skeletons— which form diatomaceous earth. You can find DE around the world in sedimentary rock formation that easily crumbles into a fine, white powder rich in silica.

Diatomaceous Earth has been used for centuries for various purposes such as painting and building material. Once it was discovered that DE could also absorb, filtrate, polish, and stabilize materials, it became a popular product across many industries. So popular that in 2016, August 31 was declared National Diatomaceous Earth Day.

Benefits of Diatomaceous Earth

So, why are we celebrating a mineral? Because of its many benefits! From healthcare to gardening, DE has the following properties that makes it so useful:

  • Abrasive
  • Absorptive
  • Anti caking
  • Detoxifying
  • Eco-friendly
  • High porosity
  • Insulating
  • Low density

One of the most important benefits of DE is that it offers a safe alternative to the many chemical-based products on the market today. Why release more chemicals in the air and create more waste when there’s a more naturally occurring option?

How to Use Diatomaceous Earth

Before we talk about applications, it’s important to decipher the two main types of DE that differ in their concentrations of crystalline silica:

  • Food Grade: Contains 0.5–2% crystalline silica approved for use in the agricultural and food industries.
  • Filter Grade: This non-food-grade formula contains upwards of 60% crystalline silica for more industrial uses.

Yes, even though DE is considered eco-friendly, not all formulas are safe for consumption. Be sure to check for any warnings and consult a professional before use. Here are a few ways to use each of the concentrated forms.

  • Detoxification. When ingested, the microscopic edges of food-grade DE acts as a gentle cleanser for the digestive tract, scraping away impurities and toxins from the walls of the intestines and helping to improve nutrient absorption and overall gut health.
  • Bone, Joint, and Skin Health. Silica is a building block of collagen, which helps improve joint flexibility, strengthen bones, and maintain resilient skin. Incorporating the high silica content in DE into your diet can help reduce the risk of osteoporosis while strengthening nail and hair growth. DE can also be used topically as a natural exfoliant to remove dead skin cells for a smoother complexion.
  • Household Uses. DE effectively absorbs odors, making it a natural deodorizer for your fridge, trash can, or shoes. Its absorbent properties also makes it a powerful stain remover to sprinkle on carpet and fabric spills.
  • Gardening Benefits. When used as a soil amendment, DE’s porosity helps retain moisture and nutrients, promoting healthy plant growth. Additionally, the silica in DE strengthens plant cell walls, leading to more resilient plants. Sprinkling DE in your compost pile can accelerate the decomposition process, control moisture levels, and reduce odors—creating a more efficient and pleasant composting experience.
  • Filtration. Its low density, anti-caking properties makes DE an excellent filter aid in beer and wine, food and beverage, and swimming pool filters.

With so many benefits and uses, it’s a wonder why it took this long to recognize diatomaceous earth for all its essential properties.

How to Celebrate National Diatomaceous Earth Day

What better way to celebrate Diatomaceous Earth Day than to purchase some and try it for yourself! Add this naturally versatile product to your skincare or gardening routine or thank it for its service while you sip your impeccably filtered beer while floating in your clear, crisp pool.

Now that you’ve learned more about it, spread the word about all the benefits and uses. It’s a great conversation starter around the pool or keg at your next garden party.

If you’d like to learn more, contact Dicalite, a leader of domestically produced diatomaceous earth. Not only can we answer your DE questions, but we offer a broad range of diatomaceous earth products to satisfy a wide range of your filtration, gardening, household, or healthcare needs.

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