Using Perlite in the Garden

How this Mineral Benefits Plants

hand holding soil

What do commercial farmers and home gardeners have in common? They both want their plants to thrive. What can they both use to help promote robust plant growth? Perlite. Learn how using perlite in the garden offers a wide range of benefits for multiple horticultural markets.

How Perlite Helps the Soil

Perlite is a naturally occurring mineral that comes from volcanic obsidian. This gives it lightweight, porous features that make it ideal for enhancing soil mixtures. In addition to its weight and density, other benefits include:

  • Doesn’t compact, so it leaves room for air and water to flow through the soil
  • Doesn’t break down and adds nitrogen to the soil
  • Sterile material doesn’t contain weed seed, disease spores, or pests
  • Neutral pH
  • Ready to use

Natural soil is made up of minerals, organic material, air, and water. However, over time soil can become compacted, limiting the flow of air and water to plant roots and negatively impacting growth. This is why mixing porous perlite into the soil is important to keep the channels open for essential nutrients to flow and water to properly drain. The natural, stable elements of perlite continue to benefit the soil and plants year after year.

Perlite for the Commercial Growers

Because of all its benefits and unique characteristics, perlite is one of the most desirable mineral components in commercial growing media. Its consistent nature enhances any organic material it’s mixed with, including peat moss, compost, bark, coco coir, or native soil. Because of its performance, cost, and eco-friendly elements, perlite is highly sought after in horticultural markets for its ability to improve soil conditions and promote robust plant growth.

Perlite in the Lawn & Garden

You don’t have to be a commercial gardener to benefit from the practical uses of perlite. You can easily improve the soil in your own backyard and enhance your landscape by mixing perlite in potted plants, raised garden beds, or your lawn. Even landscaping companies and nurseries can impress their customers and clients by adding perlite to soil mixes and provided services. Here’s how to enhance your yard or business offerings with perlite.

Vegetable and Flower Gardens

  1. Condition soil by cultivating by hand or with a roto-tiller
  2. Mix equal parts perlite with peat moss or compost
  3. Combine mixture with the soil
  4. Add plants


  1. Layer perlite under new sod
  2. Aerate lawn
  3. Rake perlite into fresh holes

Trees and Shrubs

  1. Dig a hole deep and wide enough to give roots room to grow
  2. Add perlite to the hole to cushion plant roots and improve water retention
  3. Stand up plant within hole
  4. Fill hole with soil | perlite | peat moss or compost mixture


  1. Blend perlite with potting soil
  2. Add plants for indoors or out
  3. The lightweight mixture makes it easier to rearrange pots even when the soil is saturated.

Horticultural grade perlite improves the structure of any soil type. Add fine grade perlite to boost moisture-holding capacity. Coarser grades of perlite helps improve aeration. The increase of water and air flow promotes healthy growth of whatever you’re planting—from flowers and grass to veggies and herbs.

Where to Get Perlite

You can find perlite already mixed into some soil blends or on its own in garden centers. But if you want it straight from the source, look to Dicalite.

Dicalite is a leading supplier of domestically produced perlite. We have the experience, manufacturing sites, and broadest assortment of perlite products to make us the go-to supplier for a wide range of industries, including horticulture.

Our minerals are sourced at our deposits and processed at facilities across the U.S. Since we own and operate the mines, we maintain a high level of quality control and consistency. We’re also able to produce custom mineral grades to best suit any of your applications.

Whether you’re a commercial grower or oversee a backyard plot, there’s a perlite product that’s ready to improve your soil, plant growth, and crop yields. Contact us for more information about our perlite product lines and how we can help you grow a better garden.

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