Diatomaceous earth is used to filter many consumable items you may use on a daily basis, like oils, fruit juices, syrup, sugar, honey, wine, beer, and more. Find out why it is an ideal food filtration method.
Dicalite Management Group – Diatomaceous Earth
It's Wine Crush, the time of year when vineyards harvest their crop and begin making their wine. It's also around the time they pull out their diatomaceous earth filters. Read on to find out why.
To celebrate Four Prunes Day, we are taking a look at how diatomaceous earth filters are ideal for filtering consumable liquids—prune juice included. Read on to learn more.
Use diatomaceous earth on the farm in animal feed, dust baths, and in the coop. Read on to learn more about why agriculturists love this mineral.
Is Consuming Diatomaceous Earth Good for Your Health?
DE-mything Diatomaceous Earth Health Benefit Claims
While the health benefit claims of diatomaceous earth may be true, there are few studies showing the consumption of it is safe and improves health. Read on to learn more about these claims.