Dicalite Management Group – Perlite

Introducing DicaPool: An Alternative to Recylced Glass, Sand, and Other Pool Filter Media

Introducing DicaPool

An Alternative to Recyled Glass, Sand, and Other Pool Filter Media

Learn about your pool filter media options including recycled glass, cartridge filters, sand, diatomaceous earth, and DicaPool.

How Perlite Is Used for Hydroponic Gardens

How Perlite Is Used for Hydroponic Gardens

Vegetables Grow Best with Perlite

Learn how perlite can be used in hydroponic gardens. This mineral provides the proper nutrients for a number of wintertime vegetation in greenhouses.

Dicalite Supports OSU HALE Team with Cryogenic Perlite Donation

Dicalite Supports OSU High Altitude Liquid Engine Team

With a Cryogenic Perlite Donation

We learned about Oregon State University HALE team's plan to win the B11 Space Challenge — a race to the Karman Line using a single-stage rocket. We supported their goal with a donation of cryogenic perlite.

Perlite plays a role in storing super-cold cryogenic fluids like hydrogen and helium. Did you know it's also used in the fascinating medical field of cryonics?